
TARDIS is pre-build with visualization tools that can help you quickly visualize your results.

You can visualize sematic binary masks in [.mrc, .rec, .am, .tif] format, or instance segmentation results in [.csv, .npy, .am] formats.

Simple Usage:

tardis-vis -dir <path/to/your/file>

Advance usage:

Below you can find all available arguments you can use with tardis_mt, with the explanation for their functionality:

-dir or --path: File directory to visualize.
  • Allowed options: str

-2d or --_2d: If True, expect 2D data.
  • default: False

  • Allowed options: bool

-t or --type_: Visualize as filaments lines or point cloud.
  • default: p

  • Allowed options: f, p

-a or --animate: If True, show visualization with pre-build rotation animation.
  • default: False

  • Allowed options: bool

-wn or --with_node: If visualizing filaments, you can show color-codded filaments with nodes.
  • default: False

  • Allowed options: bool