This is a preliminary installation instruction. This may not work on all systems. If any problems come up, do not hesitate to contact us, or contact us on our Slack Channel.
We are working on a more intuitive installation of our software. In the meantime please use the following options.
Option 1:
Install TARDIS using the newest released package from Github
pip install package_name-py3-none-any.whl
Install pytorch with GPU support as per Pytorch official website:
pip install tardis-em
And jump to Validate.
Option 2:
Build a package from the source
Step 1: Clone repository
git clone
Step 2: Create a conda environment
Before starting, it is beneficial to create a virtual Python environment. In these cases, we use Miniconda.
If you don’t know if you have installed Miniconda on your machine, please run:
conda -h
If you don’t have Miniconda, you could install it following official instruction.
Now you can create a new conda environment:
conda create -n <env_name> python=3.11
And to use it, you need to active it:
conda activate <env_name>
Step 3: Install TARDIS
The following command will install TARDIS and all its dependencies
pip install tardis-em
conda install tardis-em
(Optional) Install from GitHub master branch:
pip install .
Validate installation
To check if the installation was successful and check for any new OTA updates, you can run:
This should display the TARDIS home screen, similar to the screenshot below:
[Optional] installation of Napari plugin
pip install napari-tardis-em
Run automatic segmentation
Advance Tutorial - Predict Microtubules in 3D [Tutorial].
tardis_mt -dir path/to/folder/with/your/tomograms
Advance Tutorial - Predict Microtubules in 2D [Coming soon] [Tutorial]
Advance Tutorial - Predict Membrane in 3D [Tutorial]
tardis_mem -dir path/to/folder/with/your/tomograms
Advance Tutorial - Predict Membrane in 2D [Tutorial]
tardis_mem2d -dir path/to/folder/with/your/tomograms