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Python-based software for generalized object instance segmentation from (cryo-)electron microscopy micrographs/tomograms. The software package is built on a general workflow where predicted semantic segmentation is used for instance segmentation of 2D/3D images.



  • Robust and high-throughput semantic/instance segmentation of all microtubules:
    • Supported file formats: [.tif, .mrc, .rec, .am]

    • Supported modality: [ET, Cryo-ET]

    • Supported Å resolution: [any best results in 1-40 Å range]

    • 2D micrograph modality microtubule segmentation will come soon!

  • Robust and high-throughput semantic/instance segmentation of membranes:
    • Supported file formats: [.tif, .mrc, .rec, .am]

    • Supported modality: [EM, ET, Cryo-EM, Cryo-ET]

    • Supported Å resolution: [all]

  • High-throughput semantic/instance segmentation of actin [Beta]

  • Fully automatic segmentation solution!

  • Napari plugin [Coming soon]

  • Cloud computing [Coming soon]


DOI [Microscopy and Microanalysis]

Kiewisz R., Fabig G., Müller-Reichert T. Bepler T. 2023. Automated Segmentation of 3D Cytoskeletal Filaments from Electron Micrographs with TARDIS. Microscopy and Microanalysis 29(Supplement_1):970-972.

Link: NeurIPS 2022 MLSB Workshop

Kiewisz R., Bepler T. 2022. Membrane and microtubule rapid instance segmentation with dimensionless instance segmentation by learning graph representations of point clouds. Neurips 2022 - Machine Learning for Structural Biology Workshop.

What’s new?

Full History

TARDIS-em v0.2.5 (2024-05-22):
  • Added actin segmentation

  • Improvement from Microtubule and Membrane prediction with updated models

  • Added option for scripting TARDIS predictions

  • Added visualization for semantic and instance predictions

  • TARDIS build in results visualization

  • Bug fixes

  • Documentation tutorials

  • Pypi and Conda releases

  • Re-trained DIST model using simulated datasets

  • Build 2 model for:
    • filaments and general 2D structures

    • 3D objects like membranes mitochondria LiDAR data etc.

Quick Start

For more examples and advanced usage please find more details in our Documentation

  1. Install TARDIS-em:

pip install tardis-em


conda install tardis-em -c rrobert92
  1. Verifies installation:


Filaments Prediction

3D Actin prediction

Full tutorial: 3D Actin Prediction


recommended usage: tardis_actin [-dir path/to/folder/with/input/tomogram]
advance usage: tardis_actin [-dir str] [-out str] [-ps int] [-ct float] [-dt float]
                         [-pv int] [-px float] ...

2D Microtubule prediction


3D Microtubule prediction

Full tutorial: 3D Microtubules Prediction



Data source: Dr. Gunar Fabig and Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller-Reichert, TU Dresden


recommended usage: tardis_mt [-dir path/to/folder/with/input/tomogram]
advance usage: tardis_mt [-dir str] [-out str] [-ps int] [-ct float] [-dt float]
                         [-pv int] [-px float] ...

Membrane Prediction

2D prediction

Full tutorial: 2D Membrane Prediction



Data source: Dr. Victor Kostyuchenko and Prof. Dr. Shee-Mei Lok, DUKE-NUS Medical School Singapore


recommended usage: tardis_mem2d [-dir path/to/folder/with/input/tomogram] -out mrc_csv
advance usage: tardis_mem [-dir str] [-out str] [-ps int] ...

3D prediction

Full tutorial: 3D Membrane Prediction



Data source: EMPIRE-10236, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1089-3


recommended usage: tardis_mem [-dir path/to/folder/with/input/tomogram] -out mrc_csv
advance usage: tardis_mem [-dir str] [-out str] [-ps int] ...
